10 Ways to Fix Facebook Messenger Calls Not Ringing

10 Tips to Troubleshoot Facebook Messenger Calls Not Ringing

1. Check your internet connection: Make sure your internet connection is stable and strong enough to support a call.

2. Check your device’s sound settings: Make sure your device’s sound settings are not set to mute or vibrate.

3. Check your Facebook Messenger app: Make sure you have the latest version of the Facebook Messenger app installed.

4. Check your device’s Do Not Disturb settings: Make sure Do Not Disturb is not enabled on your device.

5. Check your device’s battery: Make sure your device’s battery is charged and not running low.

6. Check your device’s volume: Make sure your device’s volume is turned up.

7. Check your device’s Bluetooth settings: Make sure Bluetooth is not enabled on your device.

8. Check your device’s Wi-Fi settings: Make sure Wi-Fi is enabled on your device.

9. Check your device’s airplane mode: Make sure airplane mode is not enabled on your device.

10. Restart your device: Restart your device to ensure all settings are refreshed.

How to Fix Facebook Messenger Calls Not Ringing: 10 Solutions

1. Check Your Internet Connection: Make sure your internet connection is stable and working properly. If you are using a Wi-Fi connection, try switching to a wired connection or vice versa.

2. Update Your Facebook Messenger App: Make sure you have the latest version of the Facebook Messenger app installed on your device. If not, update it to the latest version.

3. Check Your Phone Settings: Make sure that the Do Not Disturb mode is turned off and that the volume is turned up.

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4. Check Your Facebook Messenger Settings: Make sure that the “Calls” option is enabled in the Facebook Messenger settings.

5. Check Your Phone’s Blocking Settings: Make sure that the Facebook Messenger app is not blocked in your phone’s settings.

6. Check Your Phone’s Battery: Make sure that your phone’s battery is not low. If it is, charge it up.

7. Check Your Phone’s Storage: Make sure that your phone has enough storage space for the Facebook Messenger app to run properly.

8. Restart Your Phone: Restart your phone to refresh the system and clear any temporary glitches.

9. Uninstall and Reinstall the Facebook Messenger App: Uninstall the Facebook Messenger app from your device and then reinstall it.

10. Contact Facebook Support: If none of the above solutions work, contact Facebook support for further assistance.

10 Easy Fixes for Facebook Messenger Calls Not Ringing

1. Check Your Volume Settings: Make sure that your device’s volume is turned up and that the ringer is not muted.

2. Check Your Do Not Disturb Settings: If you have Do Not Disturb enabled, make sure that it is not blocking calls from Facebook Messenger.

3. Check Your App Settings: Make sure that the Facebook Messenger app is set to allow calls.

4. Check Your Network Connection: Make sure that you have a strong and stable internet connection.

5. Check Your Phone Settings: Make sure that your phone is set to allow calls from Facebook Messenger.

6. Check Your Phone Number: Make sure that your phone number is correctly entered in the Facebook Messenger app.

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7. Check Your Blocked Contacts: Make sure that the person you are trying to call is not blocked.

8. Check Your Phone’s Battery: Make sure that your phone’s battery is charged and that it is not in low power mode.

9. Check Your Phone’s Software: Make sure that your phone’s software is up to date.

10. Restart Your Phone: If all else fails, try restarting your phone.

10 Ways to Resolve Facebook Messenger Calls Not Ringing Issues

1. Check Your Volume Settings: Make sure that your device’s volume is turned up and that the ringer is not muted.

2. Check Your Do Not Disturb Settings: If you have Do Not Disturb enabled, make sure that it is not blocking incoming calls.

3. Check Your Facebook Messenger Settings: Make sure that your Facebook Messenger settings are set to allow incoming calls.

4. Check Your Network Connection: Make sure that your device is connected to a stable internet connection.

5. Check Your Phone’s Battery: Make sure that your device’s battery is charged and that it is not running low.

6. Check Your Phone’s Operating System: Make sure that your device’s operating system is up to date.

7. Check Your Phone’s Storage: Make sure that your device has enough storage space to accommodate incoming calls.

8. Check Your Phone’s Background Apps: Make sure that any background apps are not interfering with incoming calls.

9. Check Your Phone’s Bluetooth Settings: Make sure that your device’s Bluetooth is turned off.

10. Restart Your Device: If all else fails, restart your device to see if that resolves the issue.

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10 Steps to Fix Facebook Messenger Calls Not Ringing Problems

1. Check Your Volume Settings: Make sure that your device’s volume is turned up and that the ringer is not muted.

2. Check Your Do Not Disturb Settings: If you have Do Not Disturb enabled, it may be preventing your device from ringing when you receive a call.

3. Check Your App Settings: Make sure that the Facebook Messenger app is set to allow notifications and that the sound is turned on.

4. Check Your Network Connection: Make sure that you have a strong and stable internet connection.

5. Restart Your Device: Restarting your device can help to resolve any temporary software issues that may be causing the problem.

6. Update Your App: Make sure that you have the latest version of the Facebook Messenger app installed.

7. Uninstall and Reinstall the App: If updating the app does not resolve the issue, try uninstalling and reinstalling the app.

8. Check Your Phone Settings: Make sure that your phone settings are set to allow calls from Facebook Messenger.

9. Check Your Phone’s Battery: If your phone’s battery is low, it may be preventing your device from ringing when you receive a call.

10. Contact Facebook Support: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, contact Facebook support for further assistance.